Class XMLStorage

  • public final class XMLStorage
    extends StorageService
    The XML storage service. Many of these methods take an optional parameter called either loadOptions or saveOptions. These specify extra options, separated by blanks. These appear as they would in an input file, e.g. name="value" name="value"...


    "processXSL" (boolean, '1' or '0')
    '1' if XSL processing instructions encountered in the file should be applied, '0' if not.
    "XSL" (string)
    The filename of an XSL script to apply to the input stream.
    "incrementalLoad" (boolean, '1' or '0')
    '1' if incremental loading (or lazy loading) should be used to load this file, '0' if the entire file should be loaded into memory at once.
    "Model" (string)
    Name of model to load, if stream contains multiple models.
    "setPI" (string)
    A processing instruction to set. The format is setPI="name value". The name of the processing instruction is the set of characters before the first whitespace. The value is everything after the first whitespace.
    "Option" (string)
    An XFA option to set. The value should be of the form name="value" or name='value'.
    "format" (string, "raw" or "simple" or "pretty")
    Set to "raw" to save with no whitespace or carriage returns; "simple" to add carriage returns but no whitespace; "pretty" to add carriage returns and whitespace to show the hierarchy of the XML file.
    "encoding" (string)
    The character set to use when writing the XML file.
    "indentLevel" (integer)
    the number of spaces to indent each nested level, only applied to pretty output
    "attributeQuoteChar" (char, " or ' )
    if ' attributes are enclosed in single quotes, if " attributes are enclosed by double quotes (default)
    "entityChars" (string)
    A list of individual characters to be represent with entity references. The default list will vary according to whether we're writing attributes or text values. This list will be added to the default list. e.g. "\x0A\x09" for linefeed and cr.
    "minEntityCharRange" (int)
    Any character value greater than or equal to this int are encoded with their entity references.
    "maxEntityCharRange" (int)
    Any character value less than or equal to this int are encoded with their entity references.
    • Constructor Detail

      • XMLStorage

        public XMLStorage()
      • XMLStorage

        public XMLStorage​(File xmlFile)
        Constructs an XMLStorage object, specifying a data file name that will be used for loading or saving data.
        xmlFile - the name of the file containing the source XML.
      • XMLStorage

        public XMLStorage​(URL url)
        Constructs an XMLStorage object, specifying a data file URL that will be used for loading or saving data.
        url - the URL containing the source XML.
    • Method Detail

      • setGenerator

        public void setGenerator​(String newGeneratorTag)
        setGenerator is a static routine which specifies the generator tag to be written out when a model is saved to an XML file. It should be called once by any application that will be saving files.
        If this routine is not invoked, the default value will be XFA2_0.
        newGeneratorTag - the new value for the generator tag.
      • getAPIVersion

        public String getAPIVersion()
        Returns the API version tag from the XML file. This allows an application to determine which version of the XFA API was used to write the XML file. If not specified in the file, this will return an empty string.
        The value of the APIVersion tag, or an empty string if no APIVersion tag was encountered.
      • getGenerator

        public String getGenerator()
        Returns the "generator" tag from the XML file. This allows an application to determine which application wrote the XML file. If not specified in the file, this will return an empty string.
        The value of the generator tag, or an empty string if no generator tag was encountered.
      • loadModel

        public Node loadModel​(AppModel model,
                              InputStream inputStream,
                              String loadOptions,
                              String saveXSLFile)
        Loads the contents of an InputStream into an AppModel, creating an Node hierarchy.

        This overload does not provide the source of the document, so any capabilities that may rely on this (e.g., resolving external fragments that use relative references) will not work. If the source of the input stream is known, the loadModel(AppModel, InputStream, String, String, String) overload should be used instead.

        model - the AppModel to be populated.
        inputStream - an open file to be read in.
        loadOptions - see the comment in the class description.
        saveXSLFile - specifies the name of a file to save intermediate XSL output. This is intended as an aid to debugging only.
      • loadModel

        public Node loadModel​(AppModel model,
                              InputStream inputStream,
                              String source,
                              String loadOptions,
                              String saveXSLFile)
        Loads the contents of an InputStream into an AppModel, creating an Node hierarchy.
        model - the AppModel to be populated.
        inputStream - an open file to be read in.
        source - the absolute file or URL name that inputStream was loaded from.
        loadOptions - see the comment in the class description.
        saveXSLFile - specifies the name of a file to save intermediate XSL output. This is intended as an aid to debugging only.
      • loadModel

        public Node loadModel​(AppModel model,
                              File file,
                              String loadOptions,
                              String saveXSLFile)
        Loads the contents of an InputStream into an AppModel, creating an Node hierarchy.
        model - the XFAModel to be populated.
        file - a file to be read in.
        loadOptions - see the comment in the class description.
        saveXSLFile - specifies the name of a file to save intermediate XSL output. This is intended as an aid to debugging only.
      • loadModel

        public Node loadModel​(AppModel model,
                              String loadOptions,
                              String saveXSLFile)
        Loads the file/datasource specified in the constructor into a model and creates an Node hierarchy for it.
        model - the AppModel to be populated with the data from the datasource.
        loadOptions - see the comment in the class description.
        saveXSLFile - specifies the name of a file to save intermediate XSL output. This is intended as an aid to debugging only.
        The root node of the hierarchy
      • loadXDP

        public boolean loadXDP​(AppModel appModel,
                               InputStream file,
                               PacketHandler handler,
                               Object handlerData,
                               boolean bProcessXFAOnly)
        Loads the contents of a XDP stream into an AppModel, creating an Node hierarchy.
        appModel - the AppModel to be populated.
        file - an open file to be read in. We assume the file is positioned appropriately.
        handler - Handler to do any special processing of packets before XFA DOM is created.
        handlerData - Handler data.
      • processXSL

        public void processXSL​(boolean process)
        Specifies whether or not to automatically process inline XSL statements when loading the XML file.
        process - TRUE if XSL should be automatically processed, FALSE if not. This flag is simply stored and passed to Document.load when one of the load routines is called.
      • saveAggregate

        public void saveAggregate​(String sRoot,
                                  OutputStream outStream,
                                  NodeList oNodes,
                                  String saveOptions)
        Save a group of nodes under an aggregating tag.
        sRoot - The name to use for the aggregating tag. If sRoot is empty, then the standard xdp:xdp with appropriate namespace will be used.
        outStream - The output stream to write to.
        oNodes - The list of XFA Nodes to write
        saveOptions - (optional) see the comment in the class description.
      • saveModel

        public void saveModel​(Model model,
                              String saveOptions)
        Saves a model into a file/datasource, starting at the root.
        model - the XFAModel to be saved into the datasource.
        saveOptions - see the comment in the class description.
      • saveModelAs

        public void saveModelAs​(Model model,
                                OutputStream file,
                                String saveOptions)
        Saves a model to an open stream file.
        model - the XFAModel to be saved.
        file - the open streamfile to write to.
        saveOptions - see the comment in the class description.
      • setOption

        public void setOption​(String optionName,
                              String optionValue,
                              boolean bCritical)
        Description copied from class: Service
        Sets an option.
        setOption in class Service
        optionName - the name of the option.
        optionValue - the value of the option.
        bCritical - disallow further modification of this option.
      • XFAModelLoader

        public void XFAModelLoader​(Model model,
                                   Node configKey,
                                   InputStream oStreamFile)