Class TemplateModelFixup

  • public class TemplateModelFixup
    extends Object
    Fixup errors found during the template DOM load. NOTE! this implementation does not attempt to do nearly the amount of fixing up that we do on the C++ side. For now we're mainly interested in fixing problems that show up as syntax errors and clog our log file.
    • Constructor Detail

      • TemplateModelFixup

        public TemplateModelFixup​(TemplateModel model,
                                  boolean bFixupRenderCache)
        Constructor. Pass in the model that we want to patch up immediately after it's been loaded and before its error list has been cleared.
        model - The model to fixup.
    • Method Detail

      • processFixups

        public void processFixups()
        Process whatever fixups we can based on the context nodes associated with the errors found during load. Note that for any successful fixups we'll remove the errors from the error list accordingly.
      • applyFixups

        public void applyFixups​(Node node)