Class Container

    • Constructor Detail

      • Container

        public Container()
    • Method Detail

      • getAttribute

        public Attribute getAttribute​(int eTag,
                                      boolean bPeek,
                                      boolean bValidate)
        Description copied from class: Element
        Gets this element's attribute whose attribute tag is given.

        To peek at an attribute, set the peek argument to true. If the attribute is present, it is returned; otherwise null is returned.

        To create an attribute, set the peek argument to false. If the attribute is absent, a default attribute is created and returned; for attributes with no default, null is returned.

        If validation argument is true, and the validation fails, this method throws.

        getAttribute in class ProtoableNode
        eTag - the tag of the attribute.
        bPeek - whether to peek at the attribute or not.
        bValidate - whether to validate the attribute or not.
        the attribute.
      • getRuntimePresence

        public int getRuntimePresence​(int eParentPresence)
        Return an int for this containers presence property. Values will be one of visible, invisible or hidden. This method will check it's parent hierarchy to determine the correct presence.
        The corresponding int.
      • getRuntimeAccess

        public int getRuntimeAccess​(int eParentAccess)
      • getErrorText

        public String getErrorText()
        The errorText property contains the validation error message for the last validation that failed. This only applies to the FormField, FormSubform, and FormExclGroup.
      • setErrorText

        public void setErrorText​(String sErrorText)
      • getInvalidObjects

        public void getInvalidObjects​(NodeList invalidObjects)
      • isConnectSupported

        public boolean isConnectSupported()
        Return whether the container supports connect i.e. field, exclGroup or subform
        true if the container supports connect
      • getConnectNode

        public Element getConnectNode​(String sConnectionName,
                                      int eUsage,
                                      boolean bCreate)
        Get the connect node of this container (if the container supports connect) for a given connection and usage. Connect is supported for field, exclGroup, and subform
        sConnectionName - the name of the connection.
        eUsage - the value of the usage property.
        bCreate - if TRUE create the connection if it doens't exist
        the connect node of this subform for a given connection, a null XFANode if none is found. If sConnectionName is empty or the container does not support connect a null XFANode is returned
      • isContainer

        public boolean isContainer()
        Description copied from class: Node
        Check to see if this is a container object. A container is defined as something that is not a leaf node not properties ( [0..1] occurrences ). It does NOT indicate whether this node derives from XFAContainer
        isContainer in class Element
        true if this node is a container, false otherwise
        See Also:
      • isHeightGrowable

        public boolean isHeightGrowable()
        Returns whether or not this container's height is growable. If true, then the container is considered growable between range of [minH, maxH] or [0, infinity] when not specified.
        true if this containers height can grow, false otherwise
      • isHeightGrowSupported

        public boolean isHeightGrowSupported()
        Returns whether or not this container support growable heights. This does not indicate whether the container height is currently growable, just whether it's supported by this container type.
      • isWidthGrowable

        public boolean isWidthGrowable()
        Returns whether or not this container's width is growable. If true then the container is considered growable between range of [minH, maxH] or [0, infinity] when not specified.
        true if this containers height can grow, false otherwise
      • isWidthGrowSupported

        public boolean isWidthGrowSupported()
        Return whether or not this container support growable widths This does not indicate whether the container height is currently growable, just whether it's supported by this container type.

        Comments Helps distinguish - ie text draws supporting growing but arc draws do not.

      • setAttribute

        public void setAttribute​(Attribute attr,
                                 int eTag)
        Sets an attribute of this element. This method treats the w/h attributes and their min/max counterparts as mutually exclusive - setting w/h will remove any min/max and vice versa.

        In addition, there are clear rules to resolve conflicts:

        1. If h/w is specified, then the container is not growable and any min/max value is irrelevant.
        2. Otherwise the container is considered growable. Any min/max attribute that are specified will indicate the range of growableness. The default range is [0, infinity].

        In terms of setting min/max values, this method will guard against setting min > max.

        setAttribute in class ProtoableNode
        attr - the attribute.
        eTag - The XFA tag name of the attribute being set.
        See Also:
        ProtoableNode.setAttribute(Attribute, int), isWidthGrowable(), isHeightGrowable()
      • locateChildByClass

        public Node locateChildByClass​(int eChildTag,
                                       int nIndex)
        locateChildByClass in class Node