Class TextStreamIterator

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class TextStreamIterator
    extends Object
    implements TextCharPropIterator

    Implementation of TextCharPropIterator for iterating over text stream content.

    This class allows the caller to do grapheme cluster and word break analysis over text stream content. Used in conjunction with a TextBreakIterator, the caller can find those key break points in any text stream.

    The text break iterator returns index numbers of grapheme cluster or word break points in the text. When used with a text stream iterator, these are actual index numbers in the text and can be used to populate text position (classes TextPosnBase and TextPosn), range (class TextRange) and editor (class {TODO: link TextEditor}).

    • Constructor Detail

      • TextStreamIterator

        public TextStreamIterator​(TextStream poStream,
                                  int nIndex,
                                  boolean bForward,
                                  boolean bVisual)
        Construct a stream iterator from stream pointer and index.

        This overload take stream position and initial index value and populates the stream iterator with them.

        poStream - - Text stream to iterate over. Must not be null.
        nIndex - - Item index number within the stream to initializate the iterator. If it is out of bounds, it will be truncated to the end of the stream. Note that iteration need not start at the start of the text stream.
        bForward - - True (default) for forward iteration over the stream; false for backward iteration.
        bVisual - - True if movements are to occur visually over bidirectional text; false (default) for logical positioning.
      • TextStreamIterator

        public TextStreamIterator​(TextPosnBase oSourcePosn,
                                  boolean bForward,
                                  boolean bVisual)
        Construct a stream iterator from an existing position.
        oSourcePosn - - Initial position to start iteration at. Need not be the start of the stream, but must be properly associated with a stream.
        bForward - - True (default) for forward iteration over the stream; false for backward iteration.
        bVisual - - True if movements are to occur visually over bidirectional text; false (default) for logical positioning.
    • Method Detail

      • first

        public int first()
        Return the index at the start of the iteration.

        This method is not normally called by the creator of the stream iterator. Instead, it is used by TextBreakIterator to obtain character property data in a polymorphic manner. For more information, please see the base class, TextCharPropIterator.

        Specified by:
        first in interface TextCharPropIterator
        First element's index value.
      • next

        public int next​(int nIndex)
        Advance or back up one position.

        This method is not normally called by the creator of the stream iterator. Instead, it is used by TextBreakIterator to obtain character property data in a polymorphic manner. For more information, please see the base class, TextCharPropIterator.

        Specified by:
        next in interface TextCharPropIterator
        nIndex - - Current index value.
        True if there were character properties at the given index value; false if past the logical end of the array.