Class ExceptionBase

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Direct Known Subclasses:
    ExFull, ExResourceFailure

    public abstract class ExceptionBase
    extends RuntimeException
    An abstract base class for XFA exceptions.

    Objects of this class have an associated boolean WasReported property. As architected, this property can be used by the derived classes to mean anything.

    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • ExceptionBase

        public ExceptionBase()
        Instantiate a exception object.
      • ExceptionBase

        public ExceptionBase​(boolean bWasReported)
        Instantiate a exception object -- the boolean c'tor.
        bWasReported - set this object's WasReported property to the given boolean.
    • Method Detail

      • resolve

        public abstract void resolve()
        Resolves the exception objects in the derived class's collection.
      • count

        public abstract int count()
        Counts the number of exception objects in the derived class's collection.
        the count.
      • item

        public abstract ExErrItem item​(int n)
        Pure abstract indexing operator to reference the given n'th exception object in the derived class's collection.
        n - the index of the exception object to return. Must be in the range 0 to count() - 1.
        the n'th exception object.
      • wasReported

        public boolean wasReported()
        Get this object's WasReported property.
        the WasReported property.
      • wasReported

        public void wasReported​(boolean bWasReported)
        Set this object's WasReported property to the given boolean.
        bWasReported - the new WasReproted property.