Package com.adobe.xmp

Interface XMPDateTime

  • All Superinterfaces:

    public interface XMPDateTime
    extends Comparable
    The XMPDateTime-class represents a point in time up to a resolution of nano seconds. Dates and time in the serialized XMP are ISO 8601 strings. There are utility functions to convert to the ISO format, a Calendar or get the Timezone. The fields of XMPDateTime are:
    • month - The month in the range 1..12.
    • day - The day of the month in the range 1..31.
    • minute - The minute in the range 0..59.
    • hour - The time zone hour in the range 0..23.
    • minute - The time zone minute in the range 0..59.
    • nanoSecond - The nano seconds within a second. Note: if the XMPDateTime is converted into a calendar, the resolution is reduced to milli seconds.
    • timeZone - a TimeZone-object.
    DateTime values are occasionally used in cases with only a date or only a time component. A date without a time has zeros for all the time fields. A time without a date has zeros for all date fields (year, month, and day).
    • Method Detail

      • getYear

        int getYear()
        Returns the year, can be negative.
      • setYear

        void setYear​(int year)
        year - Sets the year
      • getMonth

        int getMonth()
        Returns The month in the range 1..12.
      • setMonth

        void setMonth​(int month)
        month - Sets the month 1..12
      • getDay

        int getDay()
        Returns the day of the month in the range 1..31.
      • setDay

        void setDay​(int day)
        day - Sets the day 1..31
      • getHour

        int getHour()
        Returns hour - The hour in the range 0..23.
      • setHour

        void setHour​(int hour)
        hour - Sets the hour in the range 0..23.
      • getMinute

        int getMinute()
        Returns the minute in the range 0..59.
      • setMinute

        void setMinute​(int minute)
        minute - Sets the minute in the range 0..59.
      • getSecond

        int getSecond()
        Returns the second in the range 0..59.
      • setSecond

        void setSecond​(int second)
        second - Sets the second in the range 0..59.
      • getNanoSecond

        int getNanoSecond()
        Returns milli-, micro- and nano seconds. Nanoseconds within a second, often left as zero?
      • setNanoSecond

        void setNanoSecond​(int nanoSecond)
        nanoSecond - Sets the milli-, micro- and nano seconds. Granularity goes down to milli seconds.
      • getTimeZone

        TimeZone getTimeZone()
        Returns the time zone.
      • setTimeZone

        void setTimeZone​(TimeZone tz)
        tz - a time zone to set
      • getCalendar

        Calendar getCalendar()
        Returns a Calendar (only with milli second precision).
        Note: the dates before Oct 15th 1585 (which normally fall into validity of the Julian calendar) are also rendered internally as Gregorian dates.
      • getISO8601String

        String getISO8601String()
        Returns the ISO 8601 string representation of the date and time.