Interface XMPSerializer

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface XMPSerializer
    Interface for all kinds of serializers for the XMP data model.
    • Method Detail

      • serialize

        void serialize​(XMPMetadata xmp,
                       OutputStream out,
                       Map<String,​Object> serializeContext)
                throws IOException,
        Serialize XMP data as RDF/XML to an OutputStream
        xmp - the XMP object to serialize
        out - the stream to write to. Client has to open/close the stream.
        serializeContext - an optional serialization context that can contains additional information to configure the serialization.
        IOException - If an error occurred writing to the stream
        XMPException - This exception is thrown if the data model contains portions that can't be serialized by a specific serializer or if the options are inconsistent.
      • serializeToString

        String serializeToString​(XMPMetadata xmp,
                                 Map<String,​Object> serializeContext)
                          throws IOException,
        Serialize XMP data as RDF/XML into a String
        xmp - the XMP object to serialize
        serializeContext - an optional serialization context that can contains additional information to configure the serialization.
        String containing the XMP data as RDF/XML
        IOException - If an error occurred writing to the internal stream or out of memory
        XMPException - This exception is thrown if the data model contains portions that can't be serialized by a specific serializer or if the options are inconsistent.
      • serializeToBuffer

        byte[] serializeToBuffer​(XMPMetadata xmp,
                                 Map<String,​Object> serializeContext)
                          throws IOException,
        Serialize XMP data as RDF/XML UTF-8 encoded into a byte buffer
        xmp - the XMP object to serialize
        serializeContext - an optional serialization context that can contains additional information to configure the serialization.
        Buffer containing the XMP data as RDF/XML
        IOException - If an error occurred writing to the stream
        XMPException - This exception is thrown if the data model contains portions that can't be serialized by a specific serializer or if the options are inconsistent.