Interface ArrayType

  • All Superinterfaces:
    PropertyType, Serializable

    public interface ArrayType
    extends PropertyType
    Describes an XMP array property. There are four types of arrays:
    • Bag
    • (unorderen array)
    • Seq
    • (ordered array)
    • Alt
    • (alternative array)
    • Alt-Text
    • (language alternative, syntactically equal to Alt, but contains only text properties with a language qualifier)
    Additionally, a rule can be added to contrain an array to have a minimum and/or maximum number of Items (LengthRule).
    • Method Detail

      • getItemType

        PropertyType getItemType()
        Returns the type of the array items. This can be any XMP type including another array. Note: All array items must have the same type, even if RDF does not enforce this.
      • setItemType

        void setItemType​(PropertyType itemType)
        itemType - the type of the array items. This can be any XMP type including another array. Note: All array items must have the same type, even if RDF does not enforce this.
      • addItemQualifier

        void addItemQualifier​(PropertyDescription qualifier)
        Add an array item qualifier to each array item. As array items have the same type in XMP, the qualfiers are valid for all array items.
        qualifier - the qualifier to add.
      • getItemQualifier

        PropertyDescription getItemQualifier​(String namespaceURI,
                                             String localName)
        Gets an item qualifier by namespace and local name if existing.
        namespaceURI - the qualifier's namespace
        localName - the qualifier's local name
        Returns the qualifier or null if not existing.
      • getItemQualifiers

        List<PropertyDescription> getItemQualifiers()
        Returns the collection of all item qualifiers
      • removeItemQualifier

        void removeItemQualifier​(String namespaceURI,
                                 String localName)
        Removes an item qualifier by namespace and local name.
        namespaceURI - the qualifier's namespace
        localName - the qualifier's local name
      • hasItemQualifiers

        boolean hasItemQualifiers()
        Returns true if the property has at least on qualifier.