Class PerformanceReport

  • public class PerformanceReport
    extends Object
    The PerformanceReport contains performance reporting data about a single campaign
    • Constructor Detail

      • PerformanceReport

        public PerformanceReport()
    • Method Detail

      • setWinningExperienceName

        public void setWinningExperienceName​(String experienceName)
        Sets the winning experience local id.
        experienceName - a String value representing the name of the winning experience
      • getWinningExperienceName

        public String getWinningExperienceName()
        Retrieves the name of the winning experience or an empty string if there is no winning experience in the report
        a string representation of the winning experience
      • getTotalPerformance

        public PerformanceReportItem getTotalPerformance()
        Returns the total performance for all experience contained in this report

        The name field will always be set to null

        the total performance for all experience contained in this report