Class OverlayServlet

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Serializable, Servlet, ServletConfig

    public class OverlayServlet
    extends AbstractPredicateServlet
    Forwards to the resource considering the resource search path ("/apps", "/libs", etc.). If a suffix is provided a resource of the name of the requested resource will be searched inside the paths provided by the suffix. If the suffix contains a period after the last slash the part behind this period will be ignored.

    Sample without suffix:
    Request: /libs/x/y/z.overlay.infinity.json
    The request will be forwarded to the first resource found in the following order (taking "/apps" and "/libs" as given resource search paths):

    Sample with suffix:
    Request: /libs/x/y/z.overlay.infinity.json/a/b.json
    The request will be forwarded to the first resource found in the following order (taking "/apps" and "/libs" as given resource search paths):
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • OverlayServlet

        public OverlayServlet()