Interface XMPWriteBackOptions

  • public interface XMPWriteBackOptions
    The XMPWriteBackOptions interface defines the options for writing XMP metadata information to a binary.
    • Method Detail

      • isCreateVersion

        boolean isCreateVersion()
        Returns whether a version needs to be created or not for an asset on each writeback
      • createVersion

        void createVersion​(boolean createVersion)
        Sets the value whether version is to be created for an asset on each writeback
        createVersion - if true then create versions of the asset on each writeback
      • getRenditions

        Set<Rendition> getRenditions()
        Returns the set of renditions of an Asset for which XMP meta writeback has to be done
      • setRenditions

        void setRenditions​(Set<Rendition> renditions)
        Sets the renditions for which XMP meta writeback has to be done
        renditions - asset's renditions for which XMP meta writeback has to be done
      • setVersionCreator

        void setVersionCreator​(String userId)
        Allows XMP Writeback to update DamConstants.PN_VERSION_CREATOR of the asset Applicable only when isCreateVersion() returns true
        userId - principal of the user that should be updated as creator of the version
      • getVersionCreator

        String getVersionCreator()
        XMP Writeback updates DamConstants.PN_VERSION_CREATOR of the asset as returned by this API. Applicable only when isCreateVersion() returns true
        userId principal of the user that should be updated as creator of the version or empty string if none was set using setVersionCreator(java.lang.String)