Interface SampleUtils

  • @ProviderType
    public interface SampleUtils
    The SampleUtils service provides calls to prepare DM sample assets and presets for DMS7 integration.
    • Method Detail

      • processSampleAssets

        void processSampleAssets​(String targetFolder)
                          throws Exception
        Copy DM sample assets from standard location to targetFolder for sync. The standard location is /libs/dam/preview/.
        targetFolder - target folder path to which the DM sample assets are to be copied to
        Exception - error which copying DM sample assets from standard location to targetFolder for sync.
      • processPresetAssets

        void processPresetAssets​(String targetFolder)
                          throws Exception
        Iterate viewer presets in standard location and copy to related CSS and artwork to targetFolder for sync. Update viewer preset nodes to point to new CSS location. The standard location is /etc/dam/presets/viewer/.
        targetFolder - target folder path to which the CSS and artwork are to be copied to
        Exception - error which iterating and copying data from standard location to targetFolder for sync.