Interface XmpFilter

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface XmpFilter
    Filtering XMP metadata.
    • Method Detail

      • filter

        InputStream filter​(InputStream xmpIS)
                    throws IOException
        Filter XMP properties from an XML inputstream and return the filtered XML in a new inputstream.
        xmpIS - the XML for filtering
        the filtered XML in utf-8 encoding
      • isActive

        boolean isActive()
      • sieve

        InputStream sieve​(InputStream xmpIS)
                   throws IOException
        Sieve XMP properties from an XML inputstream and return the properties hold back during filtering in a new XMP document. Sieving is the opposite of filtering in regard to XMP XMP elements with one exception: sieve will never return partial properties. This means, filter(InputStream) may return the partial contents of an array XMP property (e.g. the first 10 entries). sieve(InputStream) will either report the complete array or ignore the property. Example: during ingestion, all but the first entry in xmpMM:History is filtered. The reported metadata contains just this one entry. If this metadata was written back to the document, all existing subsequent xmpMM:History entries would be overwritten and lost. The sieve(InputStream), called on the original data, will return such a property in full, e.g. the complete xmpMM:History. This allows the caller to merge changes as it desires.
        xmpIS - the XML for sieving
        the filtered XML in utf-8 encoding