Interface Scene7AssetFactory

    • Method Detail

      • parseAssets

        List<Scene7Asset> parseAssets​(Document document)
        Processes the Document and builds a list of Scene7Asset objects that the document contains
        document - Document object containing the Scene7 assets
        a List of Scene7Asset objects
      • parseAsset

        Scene7Asset parseAsset​(Element element)
        Builds a Scene7Asset object from the Element object received as a parameter
        element - Element object containing a Scene7 asset
        Scene7Asset object
      • parseMasterAssets

        Scene7Asset parseMasterAssets​(Scene7Asset asset,
                                      Document associatedAssetsDocument)
        Attempts to parse the originator asset for a Scene7 asset that supports sub assets
        asset - Scene7Asset asset capable of supporting sub-assets
        associatedAssetsDocument - Document object containing the sub assets and the originator asset
        the Scene7Asset object updated with the parsed sub-assets and the originator asset If the Scene7Asset asset object does not support sub-assets, the object will not be touched
      • parseSubAssets

        Scene7Asset parseSubAssets​(Scene7Asset asset,
                                   Document associatedAssetsDocument)
        Attempts to parse the originator asset and sub assets for a Scene7 asset that supports sub assets
        asset - Scene7Asset asset capable of supporting sub-assets
        associatedAssetsDocument - Document object containing the sub assets and the originator asset
        the Scene7Asset object updated with the parsed sub-assets and the originator asset If the Scene7Asset asset object does not support sub-assets, the object will not be touched
      • createAsset

        Scene7Asset createAsset​(Map<Object,​Object> assetAttributes)
        Creates a new Scene7Asset object
        assetAttributes - a Map object containing the new Scene7 asset's main attributes