Interface TargetResourceTypeProvider

  • @ConsumerType
    public interface TargetResourceTypeProvider
    The TargetResourceTypeProvider allows implementing classes to register a resource type to be used instead of the default targeting resource type. The default resource type is personalization/components/target which provides the default AEM targeting behavior however if custom behavior is required, implementing classes can register a resource type that support their targeting specific requirements. Classes that implement the TargetResourceTypeProvider register their service with a property name of TargetResourceTypeProvider.PROP_RESOURCE_PROVIDER and a value of their specific resource type. @Property(name = TargetResourceTypeProvider.PROP_RESOURCE_PROVIDER, value = MyCustomTargetResourceTypeProvider.RESOURCE_TYPE)
    • Field Detail


        static final String PROP_RESOURCE_PROVIDER
        The name of the service registration property indicating the name of the operation provided by the operation implementation. The value of this service property must be a single String.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Method Detail

      • getResourceType

        String getResourceType()
        Return the resource type associated with the provider.
        the resource type.