Interface GroupedServicesSelector

  • @ProviderType
    public interface GroupedServicesSelector
    Represents an interface for the GroupedServicesSelector component providing methods used by the UI.
    • Method Detail

      • getAllGroups

        List<Map<String,​Object>> getAllGroups()
        Returns all available groups. The list of groups contains maps with the following keys.
           title: 'My Group',
           description: 'Sample group',
           path: '/path/to/group',
           services: [{
             title: 'My service',
             description: 'Sample service',
             path: '/path/to/service'
        List of all available groups.
      • getGroupsForResource

        List<Map<String,​Object>> getGroupsForResource()
        Returns the groups/services which are stored in a property of the content node of of the current Page resource. The list of groups contains maps with the following keys.
           title: 'My Group',
           description: 'Sample group',
           path: '/path/to/group',
           inherited: false,
           services: [{
             title: 'My service',
             description: 'Sample service',
             path: '/path/to/service',
             selected: false
        List of groups for current page.
      • isInherited

        boolean isInherited()
        Checks if the services are inherited.
        true if services are inherited, false otherwise.
      • getInheritedPath

        String getInheritedPath()
        Returns the path of the resource of type cq:Page from where the services are inherited or null if values are not inherited.
        Path of the inheritance source or null
      • isWriteAllowed

        boolean isWriteAllowed()
        Checks if the user bound to the current request is allowed to write the property this widget is storing its state to. If the user is allowed to write, true will be returned otherwise false.
        true if user is allowed to write, false otherwise.