Class AggregateManager

  • public class AggregateManager
    extends Object
    This class is used for managing aggregates; mainly for mapping aggregate types to corresponding Aggregates.
    • Constructor Detail

      • AggregateManager

        public AggregateManager​(Context context)
        Creates a new AggregateManager.
        context - The context for creating the report
    • Method Detail

      • createForColumn

        public void createForColumn​(Column col)
        Creates the aggregate for the specified column.
        col - The aggregate for the specified column
      • getForColumn

        public Aggregate getForColumn​(Column col)
        Gets the aggregate for the specified column.
        col - The column
        The aggregate; null if no aggregate is available for the specified column
      • cleanup

        public void cleanup()
        Cleans up the aggregates that were used.