Interface LinkInfoStorage

  • public interface LinkInfoStorage
    Stores LinkInfo objects in the repository.
    • Method Detail

      • getLinks

        String[] getLinks()
        Returns a list of links about which validity information is stored in the repository.
        A list of links
      • getLinkInfo

        LinkInfo getLinkInfo​(String url)
        Returns validity information for a specific link.
        url - link to retrieve the information for
        A LinkInfo object describing the link or null if no validity information exists for the link
      • putLinkInfo

        void putLinkInfo​(LinkInfo info)
        Stores validity information about a link in the repository.
        info - The validity information to be stored
      • deleteLinkInfo

        void deleteLinkInfo​(LinkInfo info)
        Removes link validity information from the repository.
        info - The validity information to be removed
      • deleteLinkInfo

        void deleteLinkInfo​(String url)
        Removes link validity information from the repository.
        url - The URL for which the validity information is to be removed
      • sync

        void sync()
        Forces the storageg to flush it's caches to the repository. This should only be invoked by the external linkchecker task.