Interface VersionManager

  • @ProviderType
    public interface VersionManager
    VersionManager provides methods to manage page versions.
    • Method Detail

      • purgeVersions

        List<VersionManager.PurgeInfo> purgeVersions​(Node node,
                                                     boolean dryRun)
        Returns a list of purge infos of the versions that are purged using the configured conditions.
        node - of which the versions are to be purged
        dryRun - if true the versions are not removed
        list of versions to purge
      • purgeVersions

        List<VersionManager.PurgeInfo> purgeVersions​(Node node,
                                                     boolean dryRun,
                                                     int maxVersions,
                                                     int maxAge)
        Returns a list of purge infos of the versions that are purged using the specified conditions.
        node - of which the versions are to be purged
        dryRun - if true the versions are not removed
        maxVersions - max number of versions to retain
        maxAge - max age (in days) of versions to retain
        list of versions to purge
      • purgeVersions

        List<VersionManager.PurgeInfo> purgeVersions​(Session session,
                                                     String path,
                                                     boolean dryRun,
                                                     boolean recursive)
        Returns a list of purge infos of the versions that are purged using the configured conditions.
        path - of which the versions are to be purged
        session - to use for repository operations
        dryRun - if true the versions are not removed
        recursive - if versions for paths below given path should be purged
        list of versions to purge
      • purgeVersions

        List<VersionManager.PurgeInfo> purgeVersions​(Session session,
                                                     String path,
                                                     boolean dryRun,
                                                     boolean recursive,
                                                     int maxVersions,
                                                     int maxAge)
        Returns a list of purge infos of the versions that are purged using the specified conditions.
        path - of which the versions are to be purged
        session - to use for repository operations
        dryRun - if true the versions are not removed
        recursive - if versions for paths below given path should be purged
        maxVersions - max number of versions to retain
        maxAge - max age (in days) of versions to retain
        list of versions to purge
      • purgeVersions

        List<VersionManager.PurgeInfo> purgeVersions​(Session session,
                                                     String path,
                                                     boolean dryRun,
                                                     boolean recursive,
                                                     int maxVersions,
                                                     int maxAge,
                                                     int minVersions)
        Returns a list of purge infos of the versions that are purged using the specified conditions.
        path - of which the versions are to be purged
        session - to use for repository operations
        dryRun - if true the versions are not removed
        recursive - if versions for paths below given path should be purged
        maxVersions - max number of versions to retain
        maxAge - max age (in days) of versions to retain
        minVersions - min number of versions to retain if possible
        list of versions to purge