Interface NodeNameIndexer

  • public interface NodeNameIndexer
    Use oak's lucene suggestions instead.
    This index is offering a free text search on node properties.
    • Method Detail

      • search

        List<Map<String,​String>> search​(String substring,
                                              String rootLocation,
                                              String[] nodeTypes)
        Use oak's lucene suggestions instead.
        substring - filters out a property map if none of its property contains it
        rootLocation - filters out a property map if the indexed node is not a child of it
        nodeTypes - filters out a property map if the indexed node is not of any type contained in it
        the list of properties map matching the substring, rootLocation and nodeTypes
      • search

        List<Map<String,​String>> search​(String substring,
                                              String rootLocation,
                                              String[] nodeTypes,
                                              Locale locale)
        Use oak's lucene suggestions instead.
        substring - filters out a property map if none of its property contains it
        rootLocation - filters out a property map if the indexed node is not a child of it
        nodeTypes - filters out a property map if the indexed node is not of any type contained in it
        locale - filters out a property map if the indexed node locale does not matches it. if no property map matches the given locale, then the one with the default locale is selected.
        the list of properties map matching the substring, rootLocation, nodeTypes and locale