Class AccessLogLoader

  • public class AccessLogLoader
    extends Object
    AccessLogLoader reads a CQSE access.log.
    • Constructor Detail

      • AccessLogLoader

        public AccessLogLoader​(String ql,
                               String rl,
                               String qpp,
                               String qpn,
                               String rpp)
        Creates a new AccessLogLoader.
        ql - the query location.
        rl - the result location.
        qpp - the query path prefix.
        qpn - the query parameter name.
        rpp - the result path prefix.
    • Method Detail

      • processFile

        public int[] processFile​(InputStream in)
                          throws IOException
        Processes an access.log and notifies an attached listeners about entries read.
        in - the input stream where to read from the access.log.
        an integer array of length 2, where the first value indicates the number of queries and the second the number of results loaded.
        IOException - if an error occurs while reading from the access.log.
      • setProgressListener

        public void setProgressListener​(AccessLogLoader.ProgressListener listener)
        Sets a progress listener.
        listener - the progress listener.