Package com.drew.lang

Class StreamReader

    • Constructor Detail

      • StreamReader

        public StreamReader​(InputStream stream)
    • Method Detail

      • getBytes

        public byte[] getBytes​(int count)
                        throws IOException
        Description copied from class: SequentialReader
        Returns the required number of bytes from the sequence.
        Specified by:
        getBytes in class SequentialReader
        count - The number of bytes to be returned
        The requested bytes
      • getBytes

        public void getBytes​(byte[] buffer,
                             int offset,
                             int count)
                      throws IOException
        Description copied from class: SequentialReader
        Retrieves bytes, writing them into a caller-provided buffer.
        Specified by:
        getBytes in class SequentialReader
        buffer - The array to write bytes to.
        offset - The starting position within buffer to write to.
        count - The number of bytes to be written.
      • skip

        public void skip​(long n)
                  throws IOException
        Description copied from class: SequentialReader
        Skips forward in the sequence. If the sequence ends, an EOFException is thrown.
        Specified by:
        skip in class SequentialReader
        n - the number of byte to skip. Must be zero or greater.
        EOFException - the end of the sequence is reached.
        IOException - an error occurred reading from the underlying source.
      • trySkip

        public boolean trySkip​(long n)
                        throws IOException
        Description copied from class: SequentialReader
        Skips forward in the sequence, returning a boolean indicating whether the skip succeeded, or whether the sequence ended.
        Specified by:
        trySkip in class SequentialReader
        n - the number of byte to skip. Must be zero or greater.
        a boolean indicating whether the skip succeeded, or whether the sequence ended.
        IOException - an error occurred reading from the underlying source.
      • available

        public int available()
        Description copied from class: SequentialReader
        Returns an estimate of the number of bytes that can be read (or skipped over) from this SequentialReader without blocking by the next invocation of a method for this input stream. A single read or skip of this many bytes will not block, but may read or skip fewer bytes.

        Note that while some implementations of SequentialReader like SequentialByteArrayReader will return the total remaining number of bytes in the stream, others will not. It is never correct to use the return value of this method to allocate a buffer intended to hold all data in this stream.

        Specified by:
        available in class SequentialReader
        an estimate of the number of bytes that can be read (or skipped over) from this SequentialReader without blocking or 0 when it reaches the end of the input stream.