Class TokenStreamFactory

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Versioned, Serializable
    Direct Known Subclasses:

    public abstract class TokenStreamFactory
    extends Object
    implements Versioned, Serializable
    Intermediate base class for actual format-specific factories for constructing parsers (reading) and generators (writing). Although full power will only be available with Jackson 3, skeletal implementation added in 2.10 to help conversion of code for 2.x to 3.x migration of projects depending on Jackson
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • TokenStreamFactory

        public TokenStreamFactory()
    • Method Detail

      • requiresPropertyOrdering

        public abstract boolean requiresPropertyOrdering()
        Introspection method that higher-level functionality may call to see whether underlying data format requires a stable ordering of object properties or not. This is usually used for determining whether to force a stable ordering (like alphabetic ordering by name) if no ordering if explicitly specified.

        Default implementation returns false as JSON does NOT require stable ordering. Formats that require ordering include positional textual formats like CSV, and schema-based binary formats like Avro.

      • canHandleBinaryNatively

        public abstract boolean canHandleBinaryNatively()
        Introspection method that higher-level functionality may call to see whether underlying data format can read and write binary data natively; that is, embeded it as-is without using encodings such as Base64.

        Default implementation returns false as JSON does not support native access: all binary content must use Base64 encoding. Most binary formats (like Smile and Avro) support native binary content.

      • canParseAsync

        public abstract boolean canParseAsync()
        Introspection method that can be used to check whether this factory can create non-blocking parsers: parsers that do not use blocking I/O abstractions but instead use a NonBlockingInputFeeder.
      • getFormatReadFeatureType

        public abstract Class<? extends FormatFeature> getFormatReadFeatureType()
        Method for accessing kind of FormatFeature that a parser JsonParser produced by this factory would accept, if any; null returned if none.
      • getFormatWriteFeatureType

        public abstract Class<? extends FormatFeature> getFormatWriteFeatureType()
        Method for accessing kind of FormatFeature that a parser JsonGenerator produced by this factory would accept, if any; null returned if none.
      • canUseSchema

        public abstract boolean canUseSchema​(FormatSchema schema)
        Method that can be used to quickly check whether given schema is something that parsers and/or generators constructed by this factory could use. Note that this means possible use, at the level of data format (i.e. schema is for same data format as parsers and generators this factory constructs); individual schema instances may have further usage restrictions.
      • getFormatName

        public abstract String getFormatName()
        Method that returns short textual id identifying format this factory supports.
      • getParserFeatures

        public abstract int getParserFeatures()
      • getGeneratorFeatures

        public abstract int getGeneratorFeatures()
      • getFormatParserFeatures

        public abstract int getFormatParserFeatures()
      • getFormatGeneratorFeatures

        public abstract int getFormatGeneratorFeatures()