Class FieldAttributes

  • public final class FieldAttributes
    extends Object
    A data object that stores attributes of a field.

    This class is immutable; therefore, it can be safely shared across threads.

    • Constructor Detail

      • FieldAttributes

        public FieldAttributes​(Field f)
        Constructs a Field Attributes object from the f.
        f - the field to pull attributes from
    • Method Detail

      • getDeclaringClass

        public Class<?> getDeclaringClass()
        the declaring class that contains this field
      • getName

        public String getName()
        the name of the field
      • getDeclaredType

        public Type getDeclaredType()

        For example, assume the following class definition:

         public class Foo {
           private String bar;
           private List<String> red;
         Type listParameterizedType = new TypeToken<List<String>>() {}.getType();

        This method would return String.class for the bar field and listParameterizedType for the red field.

        the specific type declared for this field
      • getDeclaredClass

        public Class<?> getDeclaredClass()
        Returns the Class object that was declared for this field.

        For example, assume the following class definition:

         public class Foo {
           private String bar;
           private List<String> red;

        This method would return String.class for the bar field and List.class for the red field.

        the specific class object that was declared for the field
      • getAnnotation

        public <T extends Annotation> T getAnnotation​(Class<T> annotation)
        Return the T annotation object from this field if it exist; otherwise returns null.
        annotation - the class of the annotation that will be retrieved
        the annotation instance if it is bound to the field; otherwise null
      • getAnnotations

        public Collection<Annotation> getAnnotations()
        Return the annotations that are present on this field.
        an array of all the annotations set on the field
      • hasModifier

        public boolean hasModifier​(int modifier)
        Returns true if the field is defined with the modifier.

        This method is meant to be called as:

         boolean hasPublicModifier = fieldAttribute.hasModifier(java.lang.reflect.Modifier.PUBLIC);
        See Also: