Class ACL

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class ACL
    extends Object
    implements Cloneable
    An access control list entry for a particular authentication identifier (user or group). Associates a set of Rights with the identifier. See RFC 2086.

    • Constructor Detail

      • ACL

        public ACL​(String name)
        Construct an ACL entry for the given identifier and with no rights.
        name - the identifier name
      • ACL

        public ACL​(String name,
                   Rights rights)
        Construct an ACL entry for the given identifier with the given rights.
        name - the identifier name
        rights - the rights
    • Method Detail

      • getName

        public String getName()
        Get the identifier name for this ACL entry.
        the identifier name
      • setRights

        public void setRights​(Rights rights)
        Set the rights associated with this ACL entry.
        rights - the rights
      • getRights

        public Rights getRights()
        Get the rights associated with this ACL entry. Returns the actual Rights object referenced by this ACL; modifications to the Rights object will effect this ACL.
        the rights