Package javax.el

Class MethodExpression

    • Constructor Detail

      • MethodExpression

        public MethodExpression()
    • Method Detail

      • getMethodInfo

        public abstract MethodInfo getMethodInfo​(ELContext context)
        context - The EL context for this evaluation
        Information about the method that this expression resolves to
        NullPointerException - If the supplied context is null
        PropertyNotFoundException - If a property/variable resolution failed because no match was found or a match was found but was not readable
        MethodNotFoundException - If no matching method can be found
        ELException - Wraps any exception throw whilst resolving the property
      • invoke

        public abstract Object invoke​(ELContext context,
                                      Object[] params)
        context - The EL context for this evaluation
        params - The parameters with which to invoke this method expression
        The result of invoking this method expression
        NullPointerException - If the supplied context is null
        PropertyNotFoundException - If a property/variable resolution failed because no match was found or a match was found but was not readable
        MethodNotFoundException - If no matching method can be found
        ELException - Wraps any exception throw whilst resolving the property or coercion of the result to the expected return type fails
      • isParmetersProvided

        public boolean isParmetersProvided()
        EL 2.2 Note: The spelling mistake is deliberate. isParmetersProvided() - Specification definition isParametersProvided() - Corrected spelling