Package javax.jcr

Interface NamespaceRegistry

  • All Known Implementing Classes:
    ReadOnlyNamespaceRegistry, ReadWriteNamespaceRegistry

    public interface NamespaceRegistry
    Each repository has a single, persistent namespace registry represented by the NamespaceRegistry object, accessed via Workspace.getNamespaceRegistry(). The namespace registry contains the default prefixes of the registered namespaces. The namespace registry may contain namespaces that are not used in repository content, and there may be repository content with namespaces that are not included in the registry.
    See Also:
    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      static String NAMESPACE_EMPTY
      A constant for the predefined namespace mapped by default to the prefix "" (the empty prefix).
      static String NAMESPACE_JCR
      A constant for the predefined namespace mapped by default to the prefix "jcr".
      static String NAMESPACE_MIX
      A constant for the predefined namespace mapped by default to the prefix "mix".
      static String NAMESPACE_NT
      A constant for the predefined namespace mapped by default to the prefix "nt".
      static String NAMESPACE_XML
      A constant for the predefined namespace mapped by default to the prefix "xml".
      static String PREFIX_EMPTY
      A constant for the predefined namespace prefix "" (the empty prefix).
      static String PREFIX_JCR
      A constant for the predefined namespace prefix "jcr".
      static String PREFIX_MIX
      A constant for the predefined namespace prefix "mix".
      static String PREFIX_NT
      A constant for the predefined namespace prefix "nt".
      static String PREFIX_XML
      A constant for the predefined namespace prefix "xml".