Class TraversingItemVisitor

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Direct Known Subclasses:

    public abstract class TraversingItemVisitor
    extends Object
    implements ItemVisitor
    An implementation of ItemVisitor.

    TraversingItemVisitor is an abstract utility class which allows to easily traverse an Item hierarchy.

    TraversingItemVisitor makes use of the Visitor Pattern as described in the book 'Design Patterns' by the Gang Of Four (Gamma et al.).

    Tree traversal is done observing the left-to-right order of child Items if such an order is supported and exists.

    • Constructor Detail

      • TraversingItemVisitor

        public TraversingItemVisitor()
        Constructs a new instance of this class.

        The tree of Items will be traversed in a depth-first manner (default behavior).

      • TraversingItemVisitor

        public TraversingItemVisitor​(boolean breadthFirst)
        Constructs a new instance of this class.
        breadthFirst - if breadthFirst is true then traversal is done in a breadth-first manner; otherwise it is done in a depth-first manner (which is the default behavior).
      • TraversingItemVisitor

        public TraversingItemVisitor​(boolean breadthFirst,
                                     int maxLevel)
        Constructs a new instance of this class.
        breadthFirst - if breadthFirst is true then traversal is done in a breadth-first manner; otherwise it is done in a depth-first manner (which is the default behavior).
        maxLevel - the 0-based level up to which the hierarchy should be traversed (if it's -1, the hierarchy will be traversed until there are no more children of the current item).
    • Method Detail

      • visit

        public void visit​(Property property)
                   throws RepositoryException
        Called when the Visitor is passed to a Property.

        It calls TraversingItemVisitor.entering(Property, int) followed by TraversingItemVisitor.leaving(Property, int). Implement these abstract methods to specify behavior on 'arrival at' and 'after leaving' the Property.

        If this method throws, the visiting process is aborted.

        Specified by:
        visit in interface ItemVisitor
        property - the Property that is accepting this visitor.
        RepositoryException - if an error occurs.
      • visit

        public void visit​(Node node)
                   throws RepositoryException
        Called when the Visitor is passed to a Node.

        It calls TraversingItemVisitor.entering(Node, int) followed by TraversingItemVisitor.leaving(Node, int). Implement these abstract methods to specify behavior on 'arrival at' and 'after leaving' the Node.

        If this method throws, the visiting process is aborted.

        Specified by:
        visit in interface ItemVisitor
        node - the Node that is accepting this visitor.
        RepositoryException - if an error occurs.