Class HeaderTokenizer

  • public class HeaderTokenizer
    extends Object
    This class tokenizes RFC822 and MIME headers into the basic symbols specified by RFC822 and MIME.

    This class handles folded headers (ie headers with embedded CRLF SPACE sequences). The folds are removed in the returned tokens.

    • Constructor Detail

      • HeaderTokenizer

        public HeaderTokenizer​(String header,
                               String delimiters,
                               boolean skipComments)
        Constructor that takes a rfc822 style header.
        header - The rfc822 header to be tokenized
        delimiters - Set of delimiter characters to be used to delimit ATOMS. These are usually RFC822 or MIME
        skipComments - If true, comments are skipped and not returned as tokens
      • HeaderTokenizer

        public HeaderTokenizer​(String header,
                               String delimiters)
        Constructor. Comments are ignored and not returned as tokens
        header - The header that is tokenized
        delimiters - The delimiters to be used
      • HeaderTokenizer

        public HeaderTokenizer​(String header)
        Constructor. The RFC822 defined delimiters - RFC822 - are used to delimit ATOMS. Also comments are skipped and not returned as tokens
        header - the header string
    • Method Detail

      • next

        public HeaderTokenizer.Token next()
                                   throws ParseException
        Parses the next token from this String.

        Clients sit in a loop calling next() to parse successive tokens until an EOF Token is returned.

        the next Token
        ParseException - if the parse fails
      • next

        public HeaderTokenizer.Token next​(char endOfAtom)
                                   throws ParseException
        Parses the next token from this String. If endOfAtom is not NUL, the token extends until the endOfAtom character is seen, or to the end of the header. This method is useful when parsing headers that don't obey the MIME specification, e.g., by failing to quote parameter values that contain spaces.
        endOfAtom - if not NUL, character marking end of token
        the next Token
        ParseException - if the parse fails
        JavaMail 1.5
      • next

        public HeaderTokenizer.Token next​(char endOfAtom,
                                          boolean keepEscapes)
                                   throws ParseException
        Parses the next token from this String. endOfAtom is handled as above. If keepEscapes is true, any backslash escapes are preserved in the returned string. This method is useful when parsing headers that don't obey the MIME specification, e.g., by failing to escape backslashes in the filename parameter.
        endOfAtom - if not NUL, character marking end of token
        keepEscapes - keep all backslashes in returned string?
        the next Token
        ParseException - if the parse fails
        JavaMail 1.5
      • peek

        public HeaderTokenizer.Token peek()
                                   throws ParseException
        Peek at the next token, without actually removing the token from the parse stream. Invoking this method multiple times will return successive tokens, until next() is called.

        the next Token
        ParseException - if the parse fails
      • getRemainder

        public String getRemainder()
        Return the rest of the Header.
        String rest of header. null is returned if we are already at end of header