Package javax.servlet

Class HttpConstraintElement

    • Constructor Detail

      • HttpConstraintElement

        public HttpConstraintElement()
        Default constraint is permit with no transport guarantee.
      • HttpConstraintElement

        public HttpConstraintElement​(ServletSecurity.TransportGuarantee transportGuarantee,
                                     String... rolesAllowed)
        Construct a constraint with a transport guarantee and roles.
        transportGuarantee - The transport guarantee to apply to the newly created constraint
        rolesAllowed - The roles to associate with the newly created constraint
      • HttpConstraintElement

        public HttpConstraintElement​(ServletSecurity.EmptyRoleSemantic emptyRoleSemantic,
                                     ServletSecurity.TransportGuarantee transportGuarantee,
                                     String... rolesAllowed)
        Construct a constraint with an empty role semantic, a transport guarantee and roles.
        emptyRoleSemantic - The empty role semantic to apply to the newly created constraint
        transportGuarantee - The transport guarantee to apply to the newly created constraint
        rolesAllowed - The roles to associate with the newly created constraint
        IllegalArgumentException - if roles are specified when DENY is used