Package javax.servlet

Interface Registration

    • Method Detail

      • getClassName

        String getClassName()
      • setInitParameter

        boolean setInitParameter​(String name,
                                 String value)
        Add an initialisation parameter if not already added.
        name - Name of initialisation parameter
        value - Value of initialisation parameter
        true if the initialisation parameter was set, false if the initialisation parameter was not set because an initialisation parameter of the same name already existed
        IllegalArgumentException - if name or value is null
        IllegalStateException - if the ServletContext associated with this registration has already been initialised
      • getInitParameter

        String getInitParameter​(String name)
        Get the value of an initialisation parameter.
        name - The initialisation parameter whose value is required
        The value of the named initialisation parameter
      • setInitParameters

        Set<String> setInitParameters​(Map<String,​String> initParameters)
        Add multiple initialisation parameters. If any of the supplied initialisation parameter conflicts with an existing initialisation parameter, no updates will be performed.
        initParameters - The initialisation parameters to add
        The set of initialisation parameter names that conflicted with existing initialisation parameter. If there are no conflicts, this Set will be empty.
        IllegalArgumentException - if any of the supplied initialisation parameters have a null name or value
        IllegalStateException - if the ServletContext associated with this registration has already been initialised
      • getInitParameters

        Map<String,​String> getInitParameters()
        Get the names and values of all the initialisation parameters.
        A Map of initialisation parameter names and associated values keyed by name