Class PermittedTaglibsTLV

  • public class PermittedTaglibsTLV
    extends TagLibraryValidator

    A TagLibraryValidator class to allow a TLD to restrict what taglibs (in addition to itself) may be imported on a page where it's used.

    This TLV supports the following initialization parameter:

    • permittedTaglibs: A whitespace-separated list of URIs corresponding to tag libraries permitted to be imported on the page in addition to the tag library that references PermittedTaglibsTLV (which is allowed implicitly).

    This implementation only detects tag libraries declared on the <jsp:root> element, including libraries in regular JSP files or JSP Documents with a specific <jsp:root>. It does not detect libraries declared on other elements as supported by JSP 2.0.

    • Constructor Detail

      • PermittedTaglibsTLV

        public PermittedTaglibsTLV()
    • Method Detail

      • setInitParameters

        public void setInitParameters​(Map<String,​Object> initParams)
        Description copied from class: TagLibraryValidator
        Set the init data in the TLD for this validator. Parameter names are keys, and parameter values are the values.
        setInitParameters in class TagLibraryValidator
        initParams - A Map describing the init parameters
      • validate

        public ValidationMessage[] validate​(String prefix,
                                            String uri,
                                            PageData page)
        Description copied from class: TagLibraryValidator
        Validate a JSP page. This will get invoked once per unique tag library URI in the XML view. This method will return null if the page is valid; otherwise the method should return an array of ValidationMessage objects. An array of length zero is also interpreted as no errors.
        validate in class TagLibraryValidator
        prefix - the first prefix with which the tag library is associated, in the XML view. Note that some tags may use a different prefix if the namespace is redefined.
        uri - the tag library's unique identifier
        page - the JspData page object
        A null object, or zero length array if no errors, an array of ValidationMessages otherwise.