Class AriesFrameworkUtil

  • public final class AriesFrameworkUtil
    extends Object
    • Constructor Detail

      • AriesFrameworkUtil

        public AriesFrameworkUtil()
    • Method Detail

      • getClassLoader

        public static ClassLoader getClassLoader​(Bundle b)
        This method attempts to get the classloader for a bundle. It may return null if their is no such classloader, or if it cannot obtain the classloader for the bundle.
        b - the bundle whose classloader is desired.
        the classloader if found, or null if for example the bundle is in INSTALLED or UNINSTALLED state
      • getClassLoaderForced

        public static ClassLoader getClassLoaderForced​(Bundle b)
        This method attempts to get the classloader for a bundle. It will force the creation of a classloader, so if no classloader exists. If the bundle is in installed state, but cannot be resolved the null will be returned.
        b - the bundle to get a classloader for
        the classloader.
      • safeUnregisterService

        public static void safeUnregisterService​(ServiceRegistration reg)
        Safely unregister the supplied ServiceRegistration, for when you don't care about the potential IllegalStateException and don't want it to run wild through your code
        reg - The ServiceRegistration, may be null