Class FileSystem

  • public class FileSystem
    extends Object
    An abstraction of a file system. A file system can be a zip, or a directory.
    • Constructor Detail

      • FileSystem

        public FileSystem()
    • Method Detail

      • getFSRoot

        public static IDirectory getFSRoot​(File fs)
        This method gets the IDirectory that represents the root of a virtual file system. The provided file can either identify a directory, or a zip file.
        fs - the zip file.
        the root of the virtual FS.
      • getFSRoot

        public static ICloseableDirectory getFSRoot​(InputStream is)
        This method gets an ICloseableDirectory that represents the root of a virtual file system. The provided InputStream should represent a zip file. When this ICloseableDirectory is closed then backing resources will be cleaned up.
        is - An input stream to a zip file.
        the root of the virtual FS.