Class DOMStreamer

  • public class DOMStreamer
    extends Object
    The DOMStreamer is a utility class that will generate SAX events from a W3C DOM Document.

    The DOMStreamer uses a different strategy based on the value of the normalizeNamespaces property:

    • if true (the default), the DOMStreamer will normalize namespace declarations (i.e. add missing xmlns attributes or correct them). See also DOMStreamer.NamespaceNormalizingDOMStreamer.
    • if false, the standard JAXP identity transformer is used.
    • Constructor Detail

      • DOMStreamer

        public DOMStreamer()
        Create a new DOMStreamer instance.
      • DOMStreamer

        public DOMStreamer​(ContentHandler content)
        Create a new DOMStreamer instance.
    • Method Detail

      • setContentHandler

        public void setContentHandler​(ContentHandler handler)
        Set the ContentHandler that will receive XML data.
      • isNormalizeNamespaces

        public boolean isNormalizeNamespaces()
      • setNormalizeNamespaces

        public void setNormalizeNamespaces​(boolean normalizeNamespaces)
      • recycle

        public void recycle()