Class Base32

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    BinaryDecoder, BinaryEncoder, Decoder, Encoder

    public class Base32
    extends BaseNCodec
    Provides Base32 encoding and decoding as defined by RFC 4648.

    The class can be parameterized in the following manner with various constructors:

    • Whether to use the "base32hex" variant instead of the default "base32"
    • Line length: Default 76. Line length that aren't multiples of 8 will still essentially end up being multiples of 8 in the encoded data.
    • Line separator: Default is CRLF ("\r\n")

    This class operates directly on byte streams, and not character streams.

    This class is thread-safe.

    See Also:
    RFC 4648
    • Constructor Detail

      • Base32

        public Base32()
        Creates a Base32 codec used for decoding and encoding.

        When encoding the line length is 0 (no chunking).

      • Base32

        public Base32​(boolean useHex)
        Creates a Base32 codec used for decoding and encoding.

        When encoding the line length is 0 (no chunking).

        useHex - if true then use Base32 Hex alphabet
      • Base32

        public Base32​(boolean useHex,
                      byte padding)
        Creates a Base32 codec used for decoding and encoding.

        When encoding the line length is 0 (no chunking).

        useHex - if true then use Base32 Hex alphabet
        padding - byte used as padding byte.
      • Base32

        public Base32​(byte pad)
        Creates a Base32 codec used for decoding and encoding.

        When encoding the line length is 0 (no chunking).

        pad - byte used as padding byte.
      • Base32

        public Base32​(int lineLength)
        Creates a Base32 codec used for decoding and encoding.

        When encoding the line length is given in the constructor, the line separator is CRLF.

        lineLength - Each line of encoded data will be at most of the given length (rounded down to nearest multiple of 8). If lineLength <= 0, then the output will not be divided into lines (chunks). Ignored when decoding.
      • Base32

        public Base32​(int lineLength,
                      byte[] lineSeparator)
        Creates a Base32 codec used for decoding and encoding.

        When encoding the line length and line separator are given in the constructor.

        Line lengths that aren't multiples of 8 will still essentially end up being multiples of 8 in the encoded data.

        lineLength - Each line of encoded data will be at most of the given length (rounded down to nearest multiple of 8). If lineLength <= 0, then the output will not be divided into lines (chunks). Ignored when decoding.
        lineSeparator - Each line of encoded data will end with this sequence of bytes.
        IllegalArgumentException - Thrown when the lineSeparator contains Base32 characters.
      • Base32

        public Base32​(int lineLength,
                      byte[] lineSeparator,
                      boolean useHex)
        Creates a Base32 / Base32 Hex codec used for decoding and encoding.

        When encoding the line length and line separator are given in the constructor.

        Line lengths that aren't multiples of 8 will still essentially end up being multiples of 8 in the encoded data.

        lineLength - Each line of encoded data will be at most of the given length (rounded down to nearest multiple of 8). If lineLength <= 0, then the output will not be divided into lines (chunks). Ignored when decoding.
        lineSeparator - Each line of encoded data will end with this sequence of bytes.
        useHex - if true, then use Base32 Hex alphabet, otherwise use Base32 alphabet
        IllegalArgumentException - Thrown when the lineSeparator contains Base32 characters. Or the lineLength > 0 and lineSeparator is null.
      • Base32

        public Base32​(int lineLength,
                      byte[] lineSeparator,
                      boolean useHex,
                      byte padding)
        Creates a Base32 / Base32 Hex codec used for decoding and encoding.

        When encoding the line length and line separator are given in the constructor.

        Line lengths that aren't multiples of 8 will still essentially end up being multiples of 8 in the encoded data.

        lineLength - Each line of encoded data will be at most of the given length (rounded down to nearest multiple of 8). If lineLength <= 0, then the output will not be divided into lines (chunks). Ignored when decoding.
        lineSeparator - Each line of encoded data will end with this sequence of bytes.
        useHex - if true, then use Base32 Hex alphabet, otherwise use Base32 alphabet
        padding - byte used as padding byte.
        IllegalArgumentException - Thrown when the lineSeparator contains Base32 characters. Or the lineLength > 0 and lineSeparator is null.
      • Base32

        public Base32​(int lineLength,
                      byte[] lineSeparator,
                      boolean useHex,
                      byte padding,
                      CodecPolicy decodingPolicy)
        Creates a Base32 / Base32 Hex codec used for decoding and encoding.

        When encoding the line length and line separator are given in the constructor.

        Line lengths that aren't multiples of 8 will still essentially end up being multiples of 8 in the encoded data.

        lineLength - Each line of encoded data will be at most of the given length (rounded down to nearest multiple of 8). If lineLength <= 0, then the output will not be divided into lines (chunks). Ignored when decoding.
        lineSeparator - Each line of encoded data will end with this sequence of bytes.
        useHex - if true, then use Base32 Hex alphabet, otherwise use Base32 alphabet
        padding - byte used as padding byte.
        decodingPolicy - The decoding policy.
        IllegalArgumentException - Thrown when the lineSeparator contains Base32 characters. Or the lineLength > 0 and lineSeparator is null.
    • Method Detail

      • isInAlphabet

        public boolean isInAlphabet​(byte octet)
        Returns whether or not the octet is in the Base32 alphabet.
        octet - The value to test
        true if the value is defined in the the Base32 alphabet false otherwise.