Class PhoneticEngine

  • public class PhoneticEngine
    extends Object
    Converts words into potential phonetic representations.

    This is a two-stage process. Firstly, the word is converted into a phonetic representation that takes into account the likely source language. Next, this phonetic representation is converted into a pan-European 'average' representation, allowing comparison between different versions of essentially the same word from different languages.

    This class is intentionally immutable and thread-safe. If you wish to alter the settings for a PhoneticEngine, you must make a new one with the updated settings.

    Ported from phoneticengine.php

    • Constructor Detail

      • PhoneticEngine

        public PhoneticEngine​(NameType nameType,
                              RuleType ruleType,
                              boolean concat)
        Generates a new, fully-configured phonetic engine.
        nameType - the type of names it will use
        ruleType - the type of rules it will apply
        concat - if it will concatenate multiple encodings
      • PhoneticEngine

        public PhoneticEngine​(NameType nameType,
                              RuleType ruleType,
                              boolean concat,
                              int maxPhonemes)
        Generates a new, fully-configured phonetic engine.
        nameType - the type of names it will use
        ruleType - the type of rules it will apply
        concat - if it will concatenate multiple encodings
        maxPhonemes - the maximum number of phonemes that will be handled
    • Method Detail

      • encode

        public String encode​(String input)
        Encodes a string to its phonetic representation.
        input - the String to encode
        the encoding of the input
      • encode

        public String encode​(String input,
                             Languages.LanguageSet languageSet)
        Encodes an input string into an output phonetic representation, given a set of possible origin languages.
        input - String to phoneticise; a String with dashes or spaces separating each word
        languageSet - set of possible origin languages
        a phonetic representation of the input; a String containing '-'-separated phonetic representations of the input
      • getLang

        public Lang getLang()
        Gets the Lang language guessing rules being used.
        the Lang in use
      • getNameType

        public NameType getNameType()
        Gets the NameType being used.
        the NameType in use
      • getRuleType

        public RuleType getRuleType()
        Gets the RuleType being used.
        the RuleType in use
      • isConcat

        public boolean isConcat()
        Gets if multiple phonetic encodings are concatenated or if just the first one is kept.
        true if multiple phonetic encodings are returned, false if just the first is
      • getMaxPhonemes

        public int getMaxPhonemes()
        Gets the maximum number of phonemes the engine will calculate for a given input.
        the maximum number of phonemes