Class X0016_CertificateIdForCentralDirectory

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class X0016_CertificateIdForCentralDirectory
    extends PKWareExtraHeader
    X.509 Certificate ID and Signature for central directory (0x0016).

    This field contains the information about which certificate in the PKCS#7 store was used to sign the central directory structure. When the Central Directory Encryption feature is enabled for a ZIP file, this record will appear in the Archive Extra Data Record, otherwise it will appear in the first central directory record.

    Note: all fields stored in Intel low-byte/high-byte order.

             Value     Size     Description
             -----     ----     -----------
     (CDID)  0x0016    2 bytes  Tag for this "extra" block type
             TSize     2 bytes  Size of data that follows
             RCount    4 bytes  Number of recipients. (inferred)
             HashAlg   2 bytes  Hash algorithm identifier. (inferred)
             TData     TSize    Data