Class ZipArchiveOutputStream

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Closeable, Flushable, AutoCloseable
    Direct Known Subclasses:

    public class ZipArchiveOutputStream
    extends ArchiveOutputStream
    Reimplementation of that does handle the extended functionality of this package, especially internal/external file attributes and extra fields with different layouts for local file data and central directory entries.

    This class will try to use SeekableByteChannel when it knows that the output is going to go to a file and no split archive shall be created.

    If SeekableByteChannel cannot be used, this implementation will use a Data Descriptor to store size and CRC information for DEFLATED entries, this means, you don't need to calculate them yourself. Unfortunately this is not possible for the STORED method, here setting the CRC and uncompressed size information is required before putArchiveEntry(ArchiveEntry) can be called.

    As of Apache Commons Compress 1.3 it transparently supports Zip64 extensions and thus individual entries and archives larger than 4 GB or with more than 65536 entries in most cases but explicit control is provided via setUseZip64( If the stream can not use SeekableByteChannel and you try to write a ZipArchiveEntry of unknown size then Zip64 extensions will be disabled by default.

    • Constructor Detail

      • ZipArchiveOutputStream

        public ZipArchiveOutputStream​(OutputStream out)
        Creates a new ZIP OutputStream filtering the underlying stream.
        out - the outputstream to zip
      • ZipArchiveOutputStream

        public ZipArchiveOutputStream​(File file)
                               throws IOException
        Creates a new ZIP OutputStream writing to a File. Will use random access if possible.
        file - the file to zip to
        IOException - on error
      • ZipArchiveOutputStream

        public ZipArchiveOutputStream​(Path file,
                                      OpenOption... options)
                               throws IOException
        Creates a new ZIP OutputStream writing to a Path. Will use random access if possible.
        file - the file to zip to
        options - options specifying how the file is opened.
        IOException - on error
      • ZipArchiveOutputStream

        public ZipArchiveOutputStream​(File file,
                                      long zipSplitSize)
                               throws IOException
        Creates a split ZIP Archive.

        The files making up the archive will use Z01, Z02, ... extensions and the last part of it will be the given file.

        Even though the stream writes to a file this stream will behave as if no random access was possible. This means the sizes of stored entries need to be known before the actual entry data is written.

        file - the file that will become the last part of the split archive
        zipSplitSize - maximum size of a single part of the split archive created by this stream. Must be between 64kB and about 4GB.
        IOException - on error
        IllegalArgumentException - if zipSplitSize is not in the required range
      • ZipArchiveOutputStream

        public ZipArchiveOutputStream​(SeekableByteChannel channel)
                               throws IOException
        Creates a new ZIP OutputStream writing to a SeekableByteChannel.

        SeekableInMemoryByteChannel allows you to write to an in-memory archive using random access.

        channel - the channel to zip to
        IOException - on error
    • Method Detail

      • isSeekable

        public boolean isSeekable()
        This method indicates whether this archive is writing to a seekable stream (i.e., to a random access file).

        For seekable streams, you don't need to calculate the CRC or uncompressed size for STORED entries before invoking putArchiveEntry(ArchiveEntry).

        true if seekable
      • getEncoding

        public String getEncoding()
        The encoding to use for file names and the file comment.
        null if using the platform's default character encoding.
      • setUseLanguageEncodingFlag

        public void setUseLanguageEncodingFlag​(boolean b)
        Whether to set the language encoding flag if the file name encoding is UTF-8.

        Defaults to true.

        b - whether to set the language encoding flag if the file name encoding is UTF-8
      • setCreateUnicodeExtraFields

        public void setCreateUnicodeExtraFields​(ZipArchiveOutputStream.UnicodeExtraFieldPolicy b)
        Whether to create Unicode Extra Fields.

        Defaults to NEVER.

        b - whether to create Unicode Extra Fields.
      • setFallbackToUTF8

        public void setFallbackToUTF8​(boolean b)
        Whether to fall back to UTF and the language encoding flag if the file name cannot be encoded using the specified encoding.

        Defaults to false.

        b - whether to fall back to UTF and the language encoding flag if the file name cannot be encoded using the specified encoding.
      • addRawArchiveEntry

        public void addRawArchiveEntry​(ZipArchiveEntry entry,
                                       InputStream rawStream)
                                throws IOException
        Adds an archive entry with a raw input stream. If crc, size and compressed size are supplied on the entry, these values will be used as-is. Zip64 status is re-established based on the settings in this stream, and the supplied value is ignored. The entry is put and closed immediately.
        entry - The archive entry to add
        rawStream - The raw input stream of a different entry. May be compressed/encrypted.
        IOException - If copying fails
      • setComment

        public void setComment​(String comment)
        Set the file comment.
        comment - the comment
      • setLevel

        public void setLevel​(int level)
        Sets the compression level for subsequent entries.

        Default is Deflater.DEFAULT_COMPRESSION.

        level - the compression level.
        IllegalArgumentException - if an invalid compression level is specified.
      • setMethod

        public void setMethod​(int method)
        Sets the default compression method for subsequent entries.

        Default is DEFLATED.

        method - an int from
      • canWriteEntryData

        public boolean canWriteEntryData​(ArchiveEntry ae)
        Whether this stream is able to write the given entry.

        May return false if it is set up to use encryption or a compression method that hasn't been implemented yet.

        canWriteEntryData in class ArchiveOutputStream
        ae - the entry to test
        This implementation always returns true.
      • writePreamble

        public void writePreamble​(byte[] preamble)
                           throws IOException
        Write preamble data. For most of time, this is used to make self-extracting zips.
        preamble - data to write
        IOException - if an entry already exists
      • writePreamble

        public void writePreamble​(byte[] preamble,
                                  int offset,
                                  int length)
                           throws IOException
        Write preamble data. For most of time, this is used to make self-extracting zips.
        preamble - data to write
        offset - the start offset in the data
        length - the number of bytes to write
        IOException - if an entry already exists
      • write

        public void write​(byte[] b,
                          int offset,
                          int length)
                   throws IOException
        Writes bytes to ZIP entry.
        write in class OutputStream
        b - the byte array to write
        offset - the start position to write from
        length - the number of bytes to write
        IOException - on error
      • flush

        public void flush()
                   throws IOException
        Flushes this output stream and forces any buffered output bytes to be written out to the stream.
        Specified by:
        flush in interface Flushable
        flush in class OutputStream
        IOException - if an I/O error occurs.
      • createArchiveEntry

        public ArchiveEntry createArchiveEntry​(File inputFile,
                                               String entryName)
                                        throws IOException
        Creates a new zip entry taking some information from the given file and using the provided name.

        The name will be adjusted to end with a forward slash "/" if the file is a directory. If the file is not a directory a potential trailing forward slash will be stripped from the entry name.

        Must not be used if the stream has already been closed.

        Specified by:
        createArchiveEntry in class ArchiveOutputStream
        inputFile - the file to create the entry from
        entryName - name to use for the entry
        the ArchiveEntry set up with details from the file
        IOException - if an I/O error occurs
      • createArchiveEntry

        public ArchiveEntry createArchiveEntry​(Path inputPath,
                                               String entryName,
                                               LinkOption... options)
                                        throws IOException
        Creates a new zip entry taking some information from the given file and using the provided name.

        The name will be adjusted to end with a forward slash "/" if the file is a directory. If the file is not a directory a potential trailing forward slash will be stripped from the entry name.

        Must not be used if the stream has already been closed.

        createArchiveEntry in class ArchiveOutputStream
        inputPath - path to create the entry from.
        entryName - name of the entry.
        options - options indicating how symbolic links are handled.
        a new instance.
        IOException - if an I/O error occurs.