Class MathIllegalArgumentException

    • Method Detail

      • getSpecificPattern

        public Localizable getSpecificPattern()
        Gets the localizable pattern used to build the specific part of the message of this throwable.
        Specified by:
        getSpecificPattern in interface MathThrowable
        localizable pattern used to build the specific part of the message of this throwable
      • getGeneralPattern

        public Localizable getGeneralPattern()
        Gets the localizable pattern used to build the general part of the message of this throwable.
        Specified by:
        getGeneralPattern in interface MathThrowable
        localizable pattern used to build the general part of the message of this throwable
      • getArguments

        public Object[] getArguments()
        Gets the arguments used to build the message of this throwable.
        Specified by:
        getArguments in interface MathThrowable
        the arguments used to build the message of this throwable
      • getMessage

        public String getMessage​(Locale locale)
        Get the message in a specified locale.
        Specified by:
        getMessage in interface MathThrowable
        locale - Locale in which the message should be translated.
        the localized message.