Class PolynomialFitter

  • public class PolynomialFitter
    extends Object
    This class implements a curve fitting specialized for polynomials.

    Polynomial fitting is a very simple case of curve fitting. The estimated coefficients are the polynomial coefficients. They are searched by a least square estimator.

    • Constructor Detail

      • PolynomialFitter

        public PolynomialFitter​(int degree,
                                DifferentiableMultivariateVectorialOptimizer optimizer)
        Simple constructor.

        The polynomial fitter built this way are complete polynomials, ie. a n-degree polynomial has n+1 coefficients.

        degree - maximal degree of the polynomial
        optimizer - optimizer to use for the fitting
    • Method Detail

      • addObservedPoint

        public void addObservedPoint​(double weight,
                                     double x,
                                     double y)
        Add an observed weighted (x,y) point to the sample.
        weight - weight of the observed point in the fit
        x - abscissa of the point
        y - observed value of the point at x, after fitting we should have P(x) as close as possible to this value
      • clearObservations

        public void clearObservations()
        Remove all observations.