Interface PersistenceManager

  • All Known Subinterfaces:
    All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface PersistenceManager
    The use of this package is deprecated. Custom persistence managers are not supported in AEM as a Cloud Service.
    The PersistenceManager interface defines the API to be implemented to support persisting configuration data. This interface may be implemented by bundles, which support storing configuration data in different locations.

    The Apache Felix Configuration Admin Service bundles provides an implementation of this interface using the platform file system to store configuration data.

    Implementations of this interface must support loading and storing java.util.Dictionary objects as defined in section 104.4.2, Configuration Properties, of the Configuration Admin Service Specification Version 1.2.

    To make implementations of this interface available to the Configuration Admin Service they must be registered as service for this interface. The Configuration Admin Service will consider all registered services plus the default platform file system based implementation to load configuration data. To store new configuration data, the persistence manager service with the highest rank value - the service.ranking service property - is used. If no persistence manager service has been registered, the platform file system based implementation is used.

    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      static String PROPERTY_NAME
      Service registration property to define a unique name for the persistence manager.
    • Field Detail


        static final String PROPERTY_NAME
        Service registration property to define a unique name for the persistence manager.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Method Detail

      • exists

        boolean exists​(String pid)
        Returns true if a persisted Dictionary exists for the given pid.
        pid - The identifier for the dictionary to test.
        true if a persisted dictionary exists for the pid.
      • load

        Dictionary load​(String pid)
                 throws IOException
        Returns the Dictionary for the given pid.

        Implementations are expected to return dictionary instances which may be modified by the caller without affecting any underlying data or affecting future calls to this method with the same PID. In other words the reference equation load(pid) != load(pid) must hold true.

        pid - The identifier for the dictionary to load.
        The dictionary for the identifier. This must not be null but may be empty.
        IOException - If an error occurs loading the dictionary. An IOException must also be thrown if no dictionary exists for the given identifier.
      • getDictionaries

        Enumeration getDictionaries()
                             throws IOException
        Returns an enumeration of all Dictionary objects known to this persistence manager.

        Implementations of this method are allowed to return lazy enumerations. That is, it is allowable for the enumeration to not return a dictionary if loading it results in an error.

        Implementations are expected to return dictionary instances which may be modified by the caller without affecting any underlying data or affecting future calls to this method.

        The Enumeration returned from this method must be stable against concurrent calls to either of the load(String), store(String, Dictionary), and delete(String) methods.

        A possibly empty Enumeration of all dictionaries.
        IOException - If an error occurs getting the dictionaries.
      • store

        void store​(String pid,
                   Dictionary properties)
            throws IOException
        Stores the Dictionary under the given pid.

        The dictionary provided to this method must be considered private to the caller. Any modification by the caller after this method finishes must not influence any internal storage of the provided data. Implementations must not modify the dictionary.

        pid - The identifier of the dictionary.
        properties - The Dictionary to store.
        IOException - If an error occurs storing the dictionary. If this exception is thrown, it is expected, that exists(pid returns false.
      • delete

        void delete​(String pid)
             throws IOException
        Removes the Dictionary for the given pid. If such a dictionary does not exist, this method has no effect.
        pid - The identifier of the dictionary to delete.
        IOException - If an error occurs deleting the dictionary. This exception must not be thrown if no dictionary with the given identifier exists.