Class FormattingResultLog

    • Constructor Detail

      • FormattingResultLog

        public FormattingResultLog()
    • Method Detail

      • debug

        public void debug​(String message,
                          Object... args)
        message - The message for the log entry (with {} placeholders as known from slf4j)
        args - The args for the placeholders given in message
      • info

        public void info​(String message,
                         Object... args)
        message - The message for the log entry (with {} placeholders as known from slf4j)
        args - The args for the placeholders given in message
      • warn

        public void warn​(String message,
                         Object... args)
        message - The message for the log entry (with {} placeholders as known from slf4j)
        args - The args for the placeholders given in message
      • critical

        public void critical​(String message,
                             Object... args)
        message - The message for the log entry (with {} placeholders as known from slf4j)
        args - The args for the placeholders given in message
      • temporarilyUnavailable

        public void temporarilyUnavailable​(String message,
                                           Object... args)
        message - The message for the log entry (with {} placeholders as known from slf4j)
        args - The args for the placeholders given in message
      • healthCheckError

        public void healthCheckError​(String message,
                                     Object... args)
        message - The message for the log entry (with {} placeholders as known from slf4j)
        args - The args for the placeholders given in message
      • msHumanReadable

        public static String msHumanReadable​(long millis)
        Utility method to return any magnitude of milliseconds in a human readable message using the appropriate time unit (ms, sec, min) depending on the magnitude of the input.
        millis - milliseconds
        a string with a number and a unit
      • bytesHumanReadable

        public static String bytesHumanReadable​(double size)
        Utility method to return any magnitude of bytes in a human readable format using the appropriate unit (kB, MB, GB) depending on the magnitude of the input.
        size - in bytes
        a human readable result