Class HttpWhiteboardConstants

  • @Deprecated
    public class HttpWhiteboardConstants
    extends Object
    Use the OSGi Http Whiteboard Service instead
    The HttpWhiteboardConstants defines constants for values used by the Http Whiteboard registration support.
    Http Whiteboard Bundle 2.3.0
    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      static String ALIAS
      The service registration property indicating the registration alias for a Servlet service.
      static String CONTEXT_ID
      The service registration property indicating the name of a HttpContext service.
      static String CONTEXT_SHARED
      The service registration property indicating whether a HttpContext service registered with the CONTEXT_ID service registration property is shared across bundles or not.
      static String INIT_PREFIX
      Prefix for service registration properties being used as init parameters for the Servlet and Filter initialization.
      static String PATTERN
      The service registration property indicating the URL patter for a Filter service.
    • Field Detail

      • CONTEXT_ID

        public static final String CONTEXT_ID
        The service registration property indicating the name of a HttpContext service.

        If the property is set to a non-empty string for an HttpContext service it indicates the name by which it may be referred to by Servlet and Filter services. This is also a required registration property for HttpService services to be accepted by the Http Whiteboard registration.

        If the property is set for a Servlet or Filter services it indicates the name of a registered HttpContext which is to be used for the registration with the Http Service. If the property is not set for a Servlet or Filter services or its value is the empty string, a default HttpContext is used which does no security handling and has no MIME type support and which returns resources from the servlet's or the filter's bundle.

        The value of this service registration property is a single string.

        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final String CONTEXT_SHARED
        The service registration property indicating whether a HttpContext service registered with the CONTEXT_ID service registration property is shared across bundles or not. By default HttpContext services are only available to Servlet and Filter services registered by the same bundle.

        If this property is set to true for HttpContext service, it may be referred to by Servlet or Filter services from different bundles.

        Recommendation: Shared HttpContext services should either not implement the getResource at all or be registered as service factories to ensure no access to foreign bundle resources is not allowed through this backdoor.

        The value of this service registration is a single boolean or string. Only if the boolean value is true (either by Boolean.booleanValue() or by Boolean.valueOf(String)) will the HttpContext be shared.

        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • ALIAS

        public static final String ALIAS
        The service registration property indicating the registration alias for a Servlet service. This value is used as the alias parameter for the HttpService.registerServlet call.

        A Servlet service registered with this service property may also provide a CONTEXT_ID property which referrs to a HttpContext service. If such a service is not registered (yet), the servlet will not be registered with the Http Service. Once the HttpContext service becomes available, the servlet is registered.

        The value of this service registration property is a single string starting with a slash.

        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • PATTERN

        public static final String PATTERN
        The service registration property indicating the URL patter for a Filter service. This value is used as the pattern parameter for the ExtHttpService.registerFilter call.

        A Filter service registered with this service property may also provide a CONTEXT_ID property which referrs to a HttpContext service. If such a service is not registered (yet), the filter will not be registered with the Http Service. Once the HttpContext service becomes available, the filter is registered.

        The value of this service registration property is a single string being a regular expression.

        Note: Filter services are only supported if the Http Service implements the org.apache.felix.http.api.ExtHttpService interface.

        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final String INIT_PREFIX
        Prefix for service registration properties being used as init parameters for the Servlet and Filter initialization.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values