Class InMemoryDnsResolver

    • Constructor Detail

      • InMemoryDnsResolver

        public InMemoryDnsResolver()
        Builds a DNS resolver that will resolve the host names against a collection held in-memory.
    • Method Detail

      • add

        public void add​(String host,
                        InetAddress... ips)
        Associates the given array of IP addresses to the given host in this DNS overrider. The IP addresses are assumed to be already resolved.
        host - The host name to be associated with the given IP.
        ips - array of IP addresses to be resolved by this DNS overrider to the given host name.
      • resolve

        public InetAddress[] resolve​(String host)
                              throws UnknownHostException
        Returns the IP address for the specified host name, or null if the given host is not recognized or the associated IP address cannot be used to build an InetAddress instance.
        Specified by:
        resolve in interface DnsResolver
        host - The host name to be resolved by this resolver.
        The IP address associated to the given host name, or null if the host name is not known by the implementation class.
        See Also: