Class RFC2109Spec

    • Constructor Detail

      • RFC2109Spec

        public RFC2109Spec​(String[] datepatterns,
                           boolean oneHeader)
        Default constructor
      • RFC2109Spec

        public RFC2109Spec()
        Default constructor
    • Method Detail

      • formatCookies

        public List<Header> formatCookies​(List<Cookie> cookies)
        Description copied from interface: CookieSpec
        Create "Cookie" headers for an array of Cookies.
        cookies - the Cookies format into a Cookie header
        a Header for the given Cookies.
      • getVersion

        public int getVersion()
        Description copied from interface: CookieSpec
        Returns version of the state management this cookie specification conforms to.
        version of the state management specification
      • getVersionHeader

        public Header getVersionHeader()
        Description copied from interface: CookieSpec
        Returns a request header identifying what version of the state management specification is understood. May be null if the cookie specification does not support Cookie2 header.