Class SSLServerIOEventDispatch

    • Constructor Detail

      • SSLServerIOEventDispatch

        public SSLServerIOEventDispatch​(NHttpServiceHandler handler,
                                        SSLContext sslContext,
                                        SSLSetupHandler sslHandler,
                                        HttpParams params)
        Creates a new instance of this class to be used for dispatching I/O event notifications to the given protocol handler using the given SSLContext. This I/O dispatcher will transparently handle SSL protocol aspects for HTTP connections.
        handler - the server protocol handler.
        sslContext - the SSL context.
        sslHandler - the SSL setup handler.
        params - HTTP parameters.
      • SSLServerIOEventDispatch

        public SSLServerIOEventDispatch​(NHttpServiceHandler handler,
                                        SSLContext sslContext,
                                        HttpParams params)
        Creates a new instance of this class to be used for dispatching I/O event notifications to the given protocol handler using the given SSLContext. This I/O dispatcher will transparently handle SSL protocol aspects for HTTP connections.
        handler - the server protocol handler.
        sslContext - the SSL context.
        params - HTTP parameters.