Interface ContentInputBuffer

    • Method Detail

      • consumeContent

        int consumeContent​(ContentDecoder decoder)
                    throws IOException
        (4.3) use implementation specific methods.
        Reads content from the given ContentDecoder and stores it in this buffer.
        decoder - the content decoder.
        number of bytes read.
        IOException - in case of an I/O error.
      • reset

        void reset()
        Resets the buffer by clearing its state and stored content.
      • read

        int read​(byte[] b,
                 int off,
                 int len)
          throws IOException
        Reads up to len bytes of data from this buffer into an array of bytes. The exact number of bytes read depends how many bytes are stored in the buffer.

        If off is negative, or len is negative, or off+len is greater than the length of the array b, this method can throw a runtime exception. The exact type of runtime exception thrown by this method depends on implementation. This method returns -1 if the end of content stream has been reached.

        b - the buffer into which the data is read.
        off - the start offset in array b at which the data is written.
        len - the maximum number of bytes to read.
        the total number of bytes read into the buffer, or -1 if there is no more data because the end of the stream has been reached.
        IOException - if an I/O error occurs.
      • read

        int read()
          throws IOException
        Reads one byte from this buffer. If the buffer is empty this method can throw a runtime exception. The exact type of runtime exception thrown by this method depends on implementation. This method returns -1 if the end of content stream has been reached.
        one byte