Class HttpRequestExecutor

  • @Contract(threading=IMMUTABLE)
    public class HttpRequestExecutor
    extends Object
    HttpRequestExecutor is a client side HTTP protocol handler based on the blocking (classic) I/O model.

    HttpRequestExecutor relies on HttpProcessor to generate mandatory protocol headers for all outgoing messages and apply common, cross-cutting message transformations to all incoming and outgoing messages. Application specific processing can be implemented outside HttpRequestExecutor once the request has been executed and a response has been received.

    • Field Detail


        public static final int DEFAULT_WAIT_FOR_CONTINUE
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Constructor Detail

      • HttpRequestExecutor

        public HttpRequestExecutor​(int waitForContinue)
        Creates new instance of HttpRequestExecutor.
      • HttpRequestExecutor

        public HttpRequestExecutor()
    • Method Detail

      • preProcess

        public void preProcess​(HttpRequest request,
                               HttpProcessor processor,
                               HttpContext context)
                        throws HttpException,
        Pre-process the given request using the given protocol processor and initiates the process of request execution.
        request - the request to prepare
        processor - the processor to use
        context - the context for sending the request
        IOException - in case of an I/O error.
        HttpException - in case of HTTP protocol violation or a processing problem.
      • postProcess

        public void postProcess​(HttpResponse response,
                                HttpProcessor processor,
                                HttpContext context)
                         throws HttpException,
        Post-processes the given response using the given protocol processor and completes the process of request execution.

        This method does not read the response entity, if any. The connection over which content of the response entity is being streamed from cannot be reused until EntityUtils.consume(org.apache.http.HttpEntity) has been invoked.

        response - the response object to post-process
        processor - the processor to use
        context - the context for post-processing the response
        IOException - in case of an I/O error.
        HttpException - in case of HTTP protocol violation or a processing problem.