Interface NameMapper

    • Method Detail

      • getOakNameOrNull

        @Nullable String getOakNameOrNull​(@NotNull
                                          @NotNull String jcrName)
        Returns the Oak name for the given JCR name, or null if no such mapping exists because the given JCR name contains an unknown namespace URI or prefix, or is otherwise invalid.
        jcrName - JCR name
        Oak name, or null
      • getOakName

        @NotNull String getOakName​(@NotNull
                                   @NotNull String jcrName)
                            throws RepositoryException
        Returns the Oak name for the specified JCR name. In contrast to getOakNameOrNull(String) this method will throw a RepositoryException if the JCR name is invalid and cannot be resolved.
        jcrName - The JCR name to be converted.
        A valid Oak name.
        RepositoryException - If the JCR name cannot be resolved.
      • getSessionLocalMappings

        @NotNull Map<String,​String> getSessionLocalMappings()
        Returns the local namespace prefix mappings, or an empty map if there aren't any local mappings.
        local namespace prefix to URI mappings
      • getJcrName

        @NotNull String getJcrName​(@NotNull
                                   @NotNull String oakName)
        Returns the JCR name for the given Oak name. The given name is expected to have come from a valid Oak repository that contains only valid names with proper namespace mappings. If that's not the case, either a programming error or a repository corruption has occurred and an appropriate unchecked exception gets thrown.
        oakName - Oak name
        JCR name